What is Freedom Challenge?

The Freedom Challenge is a movement of passionate women dedicated to freeing oppressed and enslaved women and children all around the world. We do this by participating in physical challenges that test our limits, while raising funds and awareness to combat these dark, social injustices and set women and children on the pathway to freedom.

Where do Freedom Challenge funds go?

The Freedom Challenge is a ministry of Operation Mobilization (OM). The funds we raise support OM projects focused on freeing oppressed women and children. For over 60 years, Operation Mobilization has been bringing the message of hope through Jesus Christ to men, women, and children around the world. As a collective of over 6,800 workers in over 110 countries around the world, OM teams do not sit still and love the adventure of serving Jesus through their relationships, compassion, and conversations. The Freedom Challenge’s mission joins with OM to see lives set free through that same message. The projects highlighted in the booklet below are merely a summary of only a handful of OM projects supported by The Freedom Challenge.

Our History

In January of 2012, 48 women from seven different countries gathered in Tanzania and climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro–the world’s tallest free-standing mountain–to declare freedom for those who could not. Climbers from all over the world have continued that mission. Since 2012, The Freedom Climb has led women and climbed the Rockies, Alps, Kilimanjaro, and Everest Base Camp. Through these climbs, The Freedom Climb has raised over $3 million dollars to help oppressed and enslaved women and children. 

In 2015, we expanded our activities out of only the mountain ranges. Now, women participate in any physical activity they choose. This might mean walking in a 5k, running a marathon, or swimming laps in the local pool. Anything that uses a physical challenge to raise money and awareness can be your way to engage in our mission.


Our Model

We take a four-pronged approach to freeing women and children around the world:


We believe the cycles of poverty, exploitation, and oppression can be broken before any life-long damage is done. Education, skills training, and basic support systems empower women to end these cycles. Once these women learn how much God loves them, they just can’t be kept down!

We provide long-term solutions to help women overcome poverty through things like vocational training and micro-saving programs. These opportunities not only empower women but also make current and future generations less vulnerable to exploitation.

At the point of intervention, women and children are usually without hope. We coordinate rescue efforts for the enslaved and bring these women and children to a safe place for long-term care and healing.

We realize that these victims are often broken. So, we provide extensive care to help them rebuild their lives, including physical and spiritual healing, trauma counseling, and life skills training. Our programs aim to put these individuals on a new path, a path full of hope and dignity.